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At Roger Clarke Motorsport

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At Roger Clarke Motorsport

Postby WR1 IMPOSTER 2! » Sat Aug 23, 2008 1:41 pm

Saw this WR1 at Roger Clarke Motorsport on Thursday 23rd Aug. Looked very tidy but could do with a wash! (Hey, get your pipe cleaned you minger!)Private reg DRC 1C or something similar?
The guys said it was having some suspension work done?
I had taken mine in to the main dealer on the same day for a service and came out £373 lighter! Should have gone to spec-savers!!!!
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Postby crofty » Wed Sep 03, 2008 12:33 pm


That was me .... number 75 !

Already had the rear shocks replaced last year - but still wasn't happy so decided to bite the bullet and got the Exe-tc conversion done on Olly's recommendation ...... and it's 'king 'tastic !

PS - I'll have a word with the missus and get her to clean the pipe next time !
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Postby WR1 IMPOSTER 2! » Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:31 am

Hi Crofty!
Thanks for getting back to me. Olly and the boys are indeed the D's B's!! As you mention the dredded shocks, do you know of anyone who has successfully got Subaru to replace outside of warranty? I can't believe they haven't admitted the design fault and done the decent thing!

Anyway, looks like i'll be going for some aftermarket jobbies. Can I be cheeky and ask how much yours were?

Oh, and how do you get the missus to clean your pipe? My beloved won't go anywhere near mine!!!! (Oh, the long winter nights just fly by!!!)

Hope to see you in number 75 again - clean pipe and all!

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Postby crofty » Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:42 pm

Funnily enough - I did !

Had the car checked at the main dealer in July 07 (warranty was to end of May), and the dealer wanted £670 to replace the rear shocks. Wasn't best chuffed so banged a letter off to Subaru and got a call a week later to say the replacements were at the dealer ready to be fitted foc - result !

The car started to feel twitchy again recently, and the local garage came to the conclusion that it must be the shocks again - but Subaru weren't interested this time as I'd already had one goodwill gesture.

It cost c£2200 in total and is one of these 0% credit cards - so i've got 10 months to pay it off - my view was to get all 4 corners done at the same time with something thats the mutts nuts ..... it's a lot of £, but I reckon it's worth it !

If you're interested contact Olly at RCMS - they're very helpful and have got a demo car with the exe-tc's & ap kit on ... ?

PS : I must be the luckiest bloke around as the better half actually enjoys cleaning the cars - I'm going ask if she'll polish my pipe at the weekend ..... oh-er !!!
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