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Blue Smoke !

PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 7:11 pm
by Gooner
My WR1 had been sat for a week in the garage, had only been started to get it out and wash it a few days earlier.
Upon starting there seemed to be a lot of blue smoke around, should this happen?
Any advice welcome please, due for service in 200 miles/

PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 8:13 pm
by jaycee
It depends what constitutes ''a lot''.
A puff of smoke shouldn't be anything to worry about but if there was clouds of it then it could be a problem.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 8:40 pm
by Gooner
Clouds of it, maybe exagerated by the fact that it was very cold outside, but more than I would expect! :!:

PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 8:46 pm
by jaycee
I think most cars puff a little out and like you say, the cold would've caused it to be exaggerated.
Are you using more oil than normal?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 10:53 pm
by Ant
I think it was where you had done a cold start moveing it out of the garage and another moveing it back in followed by another cold start when you started it again and noticed the smoke this is down to the amount of fuel injected on cold start and having done 3 cold starts in a row without warming it up alot of this fuel would be hanging around in the engine and exhaust hence the smoke, As an RAC patrol I attend a lot of flooded engines that have been flooded in this way!!!

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 7:47 am
by Brian
A One off smoke burst is not uncommon. If it does it every time you start it.. then theres a problem.

If you wanted to se smoke blooms you should have seen my Type R starting up after a quick blast ;)