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Why do the innocent get peanalised?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 8:52 pm
by Megaman
Okay time for a rant...

Whilst my wife was in labour I got the father in law to take the WR1 home for me as id been up three days solid and was in no state to drive. When he came to the car he noticed a car in front parked against my car and that my car had been pushed back slightly.

He took pics with his camera of various angles of the car. He got the car park security guard to witness the damage. He had my parking ticket that proved my car hadnt moved for two days. He left a note on the cars window in two places with my contact details and a brief note about the damage to my car.

I called up my insurance company as there was minor scuffing and a cracked reg plate on my car. The insurance said that the other party has to call his insurers and tell them he has hit someone otherwise it will turn into a claim 50 50 split and it will impact on my premium and NCB.

So even with the evidence i gathered the insurers stance is that i should still fix the issue myself and not bother them with it. They cant get in touch directly with the driver involved because it is against data protection act or something daft like that.

Anyway my premium has come through due end of the month and because i have been hit it has gone up from 700 to 980ish even though i havent made a claim. I spoke to the insurers again today who said that everyone should report any scuff or chip on their car or windscreen immediately - doubtful i would do it again following this fiasco. It is because my car has been hit by another party that the premium has gone up despite me not claiming.

I simply wanted the guy to get a letter from his insurers to make the point to him that you cant go around hitting other peoples cars and get away with it. Sadly though it seems that its true and that the insurers don't want to know about it when the innocent get hit even if you have evidence. I was also told if i had cctv evidence as well that they would still probably not pursue the claim given the damage was minimal to my car.

end of rant...

oh and a pic showing the lump of shite that did the deed...


oh and the damage...


PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 9:08 pm
by John Mc
That's shit mate.... makes you wonder why you bother with insurance!! :twisted:

PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 9:14 pm
by Foley
Ah know the feeling mate, Had the same probs with the bus where it was class 50/50

Fook it i'd have poured nitromors all over his shitty car...

PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:15 pm
by huzzy
I'm sure you can trace the owner of the car if you haven't already?

A friendly word may see him offer you a bit in compensation.

Oh yeah......what a lump of shit!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:50 pm
by Megaman
huzzy wrote:I'm sure you can trace the owner of the car if you haven't already?

A friendly word may see him offer you a bit in compensation.

Oh yeah......what a lump of shit!

To be honest id be happy with an apology as a start. for all i know the owner might not even know he has hit me.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:51 pm
Just really gutted for you mate, and the insurance is just a joke

PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:51 pm
by WR1 Bro
I tell you mate... You would not believe the damage me and the wife did to a car that put a dint in my Range Rover door on a car park. For that, I would have put the heap of Volvo/Ford shite on its roof. I can't possibly go into detail what we did... but it was class.... My insurance did not change :wink:

PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:52 pm
WR1 Bro wrote:I tell you mate... You would not believe the damage me and the wife did to a car that put a dint in my Range Rover door on a car park. For that, I would have put the heap of Volvo/Ford shite on its roof. I can't possibly go into detail what we did... but it was class.... My insurance did not change :wink:

Come on, do tell 8) 8)

PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:00 pm
Just been looking on the net and it looks like, if you were to go to the police and ask and as long as you have 'reasonable cause' they should be able to help, it does say also that DVLA may be able to help to, again as long as its 'reasonable cause'.
I think the pictures you have are a good enough reason.
I hope this helps you because I would loose my head with that

PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:09 pm
by WR1 Bro
Put it like this. If this happened to me I would put all of my 19 stone into caving in every door panel, taking the wing mirrors off and that would be before my wife would then take her buckle on her handbag to ever panel.... Obviously this is hypothetically speaking.

The wife could come back to the said car, and ask, why are you on the floor flat foot kicking the car next to you?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:12 pm
Cool 8)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 7:08 am
by John Mc
WR1 Bro wrote:I tell you mate... You would not believe the damage me and the wife did to a car that put a dint in my Range Rover door on a car park. For that, I would have put the heap of Volvo/Ford shite on its roof. I can't possibly go into detail what we did... but it was class.... My insurance did not change :wink:

:rofl: I remember you said "you were over it" 5 mins after you said what you did to that car.... fookin hilarious... note to self 'if you damage Bro's stuff, never admit it' :lol:

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:39 am
by Crockel
That would seriously piss me off as well. Which Insurer did you use because I am struggling to believe you weren't just fobbed off? I would always drop a mention of the Insurance Ombudsman in a case like yours. I know it is an offence to 'leave the scene of an accident' without leaving details on the public highway but not sure about car parks. Many years ago my car got damaged whilst parked on the road and the driver didn't hang about. Someone witnessed it and I got their insurance details via the Police....


PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:17 am
by 500tie
Thats happened to us. Our astra was outside the house some young lad drove all down the side of it, wrecking 2 doors the sill a front wing, 2 wheels and the rear bumper.

The lad admitted it the car went off to be repaired under his insurance. I also informed my insurance but stated that his insurance was paying up and all was good. End of case or so i thought.

Got the re-newal through for the insurance and it had gone up by over £200 a year and for what we hadnt done anything. Phoned them up and all they could say was that it was because we had an "incident". Bunch of theiving scum.

So i said cancel the policy and i went elsewhere, phoned up admiral and they gave me a much better quote than the one i was paying last year, but then stated that because they own elephant they have to honour the quote that admiral just gave me so one nil to me..

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:34 am
by Megaman
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I know the first reaction when someone damages your pride and joy is to wreck theirs too as bro suggests. However whilst it vents your anger it can also land you in a lot of trouble because sods law dictates you will be witnessed smashing up someones car where as the other guys wont be witnessed damaging your car. So I thought id play it by the book this time and see how far id get. I stated all the way through that I did not want my premium to be effected and havent myself logged an official claim. The annoying thing is that because ive notified them of damage to my car they have upped the premium anyway having had no accidents or points for a long time. My insurance is with Greenlight and Highways Crockel as they seem good for modified cars and do track cover etc. My experiences arent just with my company from the looks of things, everyone ive spoken to about it at work or down the pub have had similar experiences. I know with my situation now that I have almost a fear of reporting minor scrapes and bangs and would possibly consider resolving an accident that wasnt my fault outside of the insurance system if possible to save premiums.

Wayne i mentioned that to the insurers but they said all the police will do is give me a crime reference number and that the insurers fight it out between themselves to protect each party from knowing each others private details ie tel no/address etc. They also said that strictly speaking I am the one that has left the scene as my father in law after waiting an hour drove off first.

I have also been told from other people that if I know someone in the industry and locate the culprit and get in touch via phone or a visit. That if he reports that to his insurers that I can be done by the police for intimidation and also that my insurers would ensure he wins the case due to intimidation.

It seems to be a no win situation for all of us that are insured going by what people have been saying. If you get hit and it exceeds your excess then claim but expect a steep premium hike. If you if get hit and it doesnt exceed your excess you are told to shut up moaning and put it right yourself (my excess is £450). It is only the full on accidents that they seem all that bothered about and will get legal departments involved in costing several thousands to repair or replace the various cars involved.

Funnily enough one chap told me that the penalty for no insurance is a producer and few hundred pounds fine. Whilst that wont cover any medical expenses if you injure anyone i can now see why there are so many uninsured drivers out there.. :roll:

...end of rant 2 :)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:37 am
by WR 1mposter
Gutted for you !

I was hit on roundabout by some old cnut in a volvo , he said he did'nt have his details on him so he wanted to give me his phone number, I told him i'd follow him home an get his details there an then, while there he said he pay cash (damage was £3k) told him to fec off it going thru the insurance. He never contacted his insurance which meant they had no prove.

So our insurance took his insurers to court, even thou he never replied to letters his insurance sent him but they paid up after a year, he got a black mark against his name on the insurers register...

So your insurance should do the same !

Unless its change in the last 3 years :?

Edited to say you will have to pay the excess which we got back, and you ins will go up, but ours was reduced as to be a non fault claim

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:45 pm
by Megaman
I wonder if clark or one of the detailers can t-cut it out for me as part of one of their services?

I bet subaru will try and sell me a new front bumper + respray when they see it for a service on Friday..

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:39 pm
by WR1 Bro
I don't know if you are ever over Buxton way, but I would be taking it to Adam if it needs painting. Especially since the bumper tends to pick up stone chips.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:44 pm
by WR 1mposter
I was insured with A-plan at the time, yes they charge me the excess, and put my premium up but soon it was resovled they refunded excess and the extra premium.

Fight it Mega :lol:

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:33 am
That would piss me off big time as well.

I would have seeked my revenge there and then!

I presume the initials on his car stand for

Horrible Lousy b*stard

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:09 pm
by Azyman
Foley wrote:Ah know the feeling mate, Had the same probs with the bus where it was class 50/50

Fook it i'd have poured nitromors all over his shitty car...

agreed :D

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:43 pm
by chiroman
You could fight this Mega. As you have photos, go to Police state your case, don't get fobbed off. Let them find other driver. If he has insurance they will know, possibly get your car sorted, respray front bumper etc, and claim your uninsured losses eg. your excess/care hire from him. Worth a go.

Otherwise use car no. to find him!! etc. etc.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 7:28 pm
by Megaman
well if anyone knows any yobs that fancy ridding the world of a volvo let me know lol

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 9:24 pm
by John Mc
Megaman wrote:well if anyone knows any yobs that fancy ridding the world of a volvo let me know lol

Send a request to Clarkson :lol: (just mention it may have a caravan on the back) :wink:

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:23 pm
Well best of luck with what ever you decide, I must admit, I would still go down the police route, This git need to pay for what he's done, its just a twernt that you will have to pay as well because of the insurance going up :twisted: :twisted:

PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 9:53 am
by Yampiedog
Technically that a fail to stop after an accident where damage has been caused to another vehicle. While I appreciate you saying they may not have realised that doesn't excuse what has happened. I am sure the local police would have to follow up a fail to stop report. If you were to report it though I would get it done very soon.
Was there any CCTV on the car park?

Even without the police you can apply to DVLA for registered keepers details for a nominal fee - that's probably why the insurance company aren't interested. I think they just palm people off with Data Protection when they don't fully understand it.

If I can help any further let me know.

Also sounds like one for if you don't go to the police...

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:34 pm
by Steveyk
Foopin' Volvo drivers! What was is SIPS stood for? Side Impact Protection System? No, it stands for SHUSH I'M PROBABLY SLEEPING!